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Andante Bandog Kennels-K9 breed under partnership with On/Off Bandogs Greece: Andante, On/Off Bandogs, Lucero´s WCK9 and Thunderdome working Bandogs bloodlines. Andante Bandog Kennels is a member of Lucero Bandog (Working Class K9) Owners Club: (Private group for those who own Bandogs from Joseph Lucero's kennel ,or offspring of Lucero Bandogs to other Bandogs).

„Bandog is elite dog for elite people!"

What are legends? What is excellence? And lastly what separates extraordinary from ordinary? The answer to these questions are the same. Europe´s very own Andante Bandog Kennels have concocted a masterpiece with the help of On/Off Bandogs Greece and together superiority will be made! On/Off Bandogs Greece combines the most exclusive and rare combinations of bloods, the world famous Lucero´s Working Class K9 blood mixed with one of the most consistent Thunderdome Kennel bloodlines in the Bandog world!

The main focus in our kennel is to breed physically and mentally enormous strong and healthy Bandogs with great working qualities. Our kennel is not a typical or traditional Bandog kennel. We are very selective and specialized in breeding working Bandogs with great muscle mass, heavy bones, huge heads and overall proportional look. This is why we work with the best of the best bloodlines from the top Bandog kennels: On/Off Bandogs Greece Kennel, Lucero´s Working Class K9 and Thunderdome Kennel. We keep our dogs in house and spend muchtime and energy to keep them happy. Our dogs and puppies will be well educated and socialized to become the ultimate family companions.

Exclusive Andante Bandog Kennels interview with Stelios Sdrolias- On/Off Bandogs Kennel (Greece).

We took the occasion of announcing our co-operation and partnership between Andante Bandog Kennels and On/Off Greek Bandog Kennel,to ask some very interesting questions and talk with Stelios Sdrolias from Greece.

Stelios Sdrolias is owner On/Off Greek Bandog Kennel, Head instructor and trainer specialized in K9 training, security services, dog behavior issues, protection dogtraining. On/Off Bandog Kennel is,for us, one of the best Bandog Kennel in the world, producing quality and consistent working bandogs. Stelios Sdrolias personaly imported first Bandogs from USA to Greece, directly from Lucero´s Working Class K9 (USA) and Thunderdome Kennel (USA). He is the only one co-operating with Joseph Lucero III. building his On/Off Bandogs blood line, which consist of unique and rare Lucero´s and Thunderdome´s blood lines along with lines he has created from "ground zero".

1. Question: Hi Stelios, firstly I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Why did you choose to breed Bandogs and not ,for example, Pitbulls or Mastino Napoletanos or any other breed?

Stelios: Hi Patrik and Petra! It will be my pleasure and honour to answer any questions you might have.Breeding bandogs , or any other breed, was not in my priorities when i was first exposed to them.It came as a necessity ,after being dissapointed by so many other breeds that i trained and tested.I chose the Bandog as my personal dog. This is what i wanted to guard my house and family and this is the dog i had extreme pleasure working in personal protection! Don't get me wrong,I love all dogs esp Pitbulls and Mastinos, but they are not my breed of choice.They do contain many qualities i like in Bandogs.It is just that the Bandog has it all in one package!

2. Question: When and how did you import unique Bandog blood lines from USA to Greece?

Stelios: I obtained my female bandog Kalma in 2001 from Molosser Gate kennels in Greece. But i was infected by the "Bandog Virus" (laughs).Then,I imported Rony and Mila in 2002 from Joseph Lucero's kennel (Working Class K9) . Mila was for a dear friend of mine who died almost a year after while fishing,and Rony was for my ex-partner who owns BandogFarm kennel. In 2003, Mario Governale from Thunderdome kennels contacted me -after seeing some training videos from my dogs- about sending me a puppy from his line as a gift.I was very honoured by his proposal.In addition to the puppy i got, i also imported a female and an a male puppy from his breeding.They were placed ,again, at my ex-partner.

After almost two years after importing Rony , and countless hours of training,I reached the decision that Rony is not a dog that someone could base a serious breeding program.This is when I contacted Joe Lucero again for a new dog.His friendship shined through the fact that he managed to obtain a great dog from his line for me. This dog was owned by the late Mr.Tom Richie and was named Lucero's Dude while he was in USA. I got him on July 4th ,2004 , the day Greece played against Czech Republic in the unforgettable 2004 Euro Football Championship ! I renamed him from Dude to Judo the minute i layed eyes on him. Judo is a litterbrother to Lucero's Curly (famous for his appearances in HULK movie and Fear Factor among other things).

3. Question: Why did you aim for Lucero´s and Thunderdome's bloodlines?

Stelios: I first heard about Lucero Bandogs in 1999 when i was in a seminar at San Diego.

Less than a year after that , i saw the first video footage of them working..They were the best molosser dogs i have ever seen in action.At that time i was heavily involved in American Bulldogs via the European Am.Bulldog Club. The Thunderdome lines i first saw in 2001. Martin Lieberman (who was a key-man in the original Swinford Bandog project ) had written a great critique about Mario Governale and his kennel.

I believe these two lines were the best in their era and that is why i chose them.

4. Question: Your kennel name On/Off is very interesting, what does it mean?

Stelios: (Laughs) On when you need them, Off when you don't !! Well, joking apart, the term On/Off comes from what i call the "internal switch" my bandogs seem to have. They enjoy doing bitework and serious protection work but at the same time they are great pets for the family and kids.

5. Question: Which are your priorities in your breeding program?

Stelios: First of all comes Working temperament , second (but equally important) is good health , third is to produce bandogs that are genetically good with little kids and fourth is their appearance (height,weight etc). Many programs i see nowadays ,sacrifice working ability for size and/or they produce good pets without producing serious workers.

I stick to my plan, and so far it works out very good!

6. Question: Only few people in the world own dogs from Lucero´s or Thunderdome or even your On/Off blood line , owner must qualify to have a dog from that lines?

Stelios: First of all, i consider it an honour to be put in the same sentence with Joe Lucero and Mario Governale.I hope to re-pay their trust and friendship by my actions as a bandog breeder.

For me , the Bandog is a dog that few people must own.And this is for various reasons..First being that Bandogs are rarely for first time owners.They are powerful animals and potentially dangerous in the wrong hands.Another primary reason is that the future owner has to appreciate the history and hard work it takes to produce a working caliber Bandog.If he does not, then he can use a unique dog like that as a "money making machine" to support his income! or even worse , if the wrong people are involved ,we might end up seeing Bandogs in dogs shows and beauty contests!

I very much fear that this will be Bandog's ugly future!

7. Question: When Andante Bandog Kennels chose you for co-operation (application for co-operation), what did you know about us?

Stelios: Well, I knew you come from a country that has a history in dog breeding (among other things) and i had seen bits and pieces from your dogs doing bitework. I really liked that you put emphasis in working abilities first and foremost!

8. Question: This interview also serves as the announcement of Andante kennels and On/Off Bandogs co-operation. Why Andante? Why share your bloodline to different bloodline dogs from Slovakia?

Stelios: Yes, after quite some time , I have decided that i cannot win the battle against the so-called programs that do not produce Bandogs true to their history and Function. I made a huge mistake by helping people that actually ruined Bandogs in my homeland.If i had known better ,things might have been much better in the bandog scene in Greece..

The reason I decided to work with Andante is that you share the same principals and priorities when it comes to Bandogs. This is the only way for the Working Bandogs to be preserved and succeed in the future! Things like big kennels , high end supplements, breeding for looks , breeding for money etc , will only ruin these magnificent dogs..And those with open minds can already see it coming!

Another reason that i wanted to work with Andante kennels comes from your own words Patrik.

You once told me " I feel that I have the top of what our lines here in SK can offer me and my program!". To me this is a huge reason to search for something that will elevate your program to the next level.

9. Question: What do you expect from our co-operation ? maybe new working blood line Bandogs?

Stelios: First I expect honesty , which is something that goes both ways! Honesty is the base.The good dogs will certainly follow.There is no doubt in my mind about that.Like I always say : It is the human behind the dog and not the dog in front of the human..

10. Question: Stelios, once told me: "Bandog is for good people!" what did you mean by it?

Stelios: Only people with good heart and good intentions will help the preservation of Bandogs in the future.It has been done throughout the centuries and with all breeds of dogs..This is why you see extremely few breeders in every breed, keeping the original -in mind and body- dogs alive!

11. What is your message to young and starting breeders or Bandog owners, who don't know much about the qualities of good working Bandogs?

Stelios: Education is the key! First educate yourselves,there is litereture for working dogs and Bandogs. Go out and see for yourselves, ask questions ,test dogs if you are qualified enough.

Breeding bandogs is hard work with lots of rough paths..If you want to make money, breed toy breeds. Bandogs are for good people!

12. Thank you Stelios from On/Off Bandogs Greece !