Дети Чернобыля в Британии

На модерации Отложенный

Сегодня получила письмо:

Dear All,

My daughter, Bethan Jones, a former pupil at All Saints First School is trying to raise awareness and gain signatures on a petition for a cause that our family is very passionate about. Her grandmother is a trustee for a charity that brings children to Britain for short stays from Belarus and Ukraine who are continuing to be affected by exposure to radiation following the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Until now our Government has granted free visas for their visits which are hugely beneficial to the children's health and can prolong life expectancy significantly. As part of the Government's cuts to Foreign Aid these visas must now be paid for, but no other European country is taking the same measures, recognising how important these visits are, allowing the children to breathe clean air and eat uncontaminated food and water. The attached letter explains the costs and the implications to the charity, which has "links" countywide - children come to Staffordshire and have visited Walton Priory Middle School which Bethan currently attends.

Please would you consider signing the e-petition (the link is included on the charity's letter) so that the topic can be debated in Parliament.


With grateful thanks

Joanne Jones


Суть в том, что правительство Великобритании собирается сделать платными визы, для детей из зоны Чернобыля, которые приезжают в страну на каникулы.

Простые люди в Великобритании возмущены этим фактом, призывают подписать Петицию протеста.


Текст петиции: (на картинке, получилось в верху)