Traduttore - traditore, учил Ортега-и-Гассет задолго до ИИ

На модерации Отложенный

Тем, кто не наслышан о дегрессивной пропорциональности, Ру.Википеия ничем не поможет.Европейский_парламент
Не в пример En.Википедии, где на эту тему кое-чтосказано, хотя и на примере старых, а не июньских выборов в Европейский парламент.
Representation is currently limited to a maximum of 96 seats and a minimum of 6 seats per state and the seats are distributed according to "degressive proportionality", i.e., the larger the state, the more citizens are represented per MEP. As a result, Maltese and Luxembourgish voters have roughly 10x more influenceper voter than citizens of the six largest countries.

As of 2014, Germany (80.9 million inhabitants) has 96 seats(previously 99 seats), i.e. one seat for 843,000 inhabitants.Malta (0.4 million inhabitants) has 6 seats, i.e. one seat for 70,000 inhabitants.
The new system implemented under the Lisbon Treaty, includingrevising the seating well before elections, was intended to avoidpolitical horse trading when the allocations have to be revisedto reflect demographic changes.[76]
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Ведь записка эта об огрехах переводчиков, а не ликбез по евровыборам.