Formation of The National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia
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Hello dear colleagues,
The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government of Western Armenia in exile and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia, taking responsibility for the development and establishment of public institutions of Western Armenia, made a historical and momentous decision for Armenians: they started the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia.
We send you a Declaration on the “Formation of The National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia" in Armenian (literary and unified Western Armenian orthography), English, Russian and French.
Please look through 10 documents attached in Word and PDF.
We ask you to publish this information on your information recourses.
Paris, France, May 24, 2013
Dear compatriots,
The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia, taking responsibility for the development and establishment of Public Institutions of Western Armenia, preservation of the existence and identity of the Armenian people, the restoration and reconstruction of the economy of Western Armenia,
- Ø The decision to form the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia to consolidate the forces of the Armenian people;
- Ø The decision to adopt the fundamental requirementsof the Armenian people to the ''Armenian issue'', considering the basis of the principles of national unity and immutable law;
- Ø The decision to adopt a singleresolution to the ''Armenian issue'', that is the Armenian people must live in one self-sufficient and, in the future, in theUnited and Independent Armenian State.
The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia adopt this declaration based on:
1) The official Resolution of the National Council of Western Armenia adopted on December 17, 2004 and the Declaration on the Rights of Armenians of Western Armenia adopted on January 20, 2007;
2) The Resolution on the establishment of theGovernment-in-Exile of Western Armenia adopted on February 4, 2011 and the Resolution on the governmentstructure adopted on March 2, 2011;
3) The Resolution on forming the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia adopted by the 5th Assembly of Armenians of Western Armenia on November 30, 2012.
To declare,
Considering the fact that contrary to human morality and law to recognize Armenian rights in respect to the Motherland Cradle, the Sultan, Young Turks and Kemalists, as Turkish successive governments, carried out the Armenian Deportation and Genocide in 1894-1923, whereby they unprecedently changed the demographic view in the Region. Subsequently, reducing the number of Armenians in the occupied territories as a "supplement" of their crimes, they violated the normal ratio between nations in the Western Armenia, and considering the reality of the mentioned above, declare
The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia declare that the Jurisdiction of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the Western Armenia is spread on not only on nationals of Western Armenia but on the occupied territories of Western Armenia, which are legally (de jure) and in fact (de facto) are the areas and regions of Western Armenia based on the following fundamental international legal instruments:
1) The delimitation of Armenia and Turkey according to the arbitral award by Woodrow Wilson - the 28th President of the United States - on November 22, 1920;
2) The independence of historical Armenia including Western Armenia and Armenian Kilikia in accordance with the UN declaration of December 14, 1960 on«Grantingof Independenceto Colonial Countriesand Peoples»;
3) As indigenous people, according to the historical, genealogical, cultural, perpetual civilization and indisputable rights for Armenians to form a State of Western Armenia in accordance with the UN Declaration on the «Rights of Indigenous Peoples» of September 13, 2007.
The above Jurisdiction applies to the following states and territories:
1. Van
2. Bitlis
3. Erzrum (Garin)
4. Trapizon (Hamshen)
5. Sivas (Sebastia)
6. Diarbeqir (Dikranagert)
7. Kharput (Kharberd)
8. Kilikia (including Cesaria, Marash, Adana, Zeytun, Aynput, Antioq)
9. Kars (and Surmalu)
10. Javakhq
11. Nakhijevan
Based on the above-mentioned official documents and articles, the National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia declare the Establishment of the Central Elections Committee entitled to organize and run elections for the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia. (More at:
Voter registration
Citizens of Western Armenia (Homeland) are considered all those who can prove their status of being exiled from their Homeland (Western Armenia) and prove their origins far as even a few generations back (with direct genetic connection).
1) Voter registration for elections of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia is open to the citizens of Western Armenia and to public patriotic organizations and unions as of May 24, 2013until December 1, 2013.
2) Voter registration for the citizens of Western Armenia is available online at:
Registration of volunteers candidates
1) The signature drive of volunteers candidates for the Western Armenia Parliament (hereafter candidates) starts on June 1, 2013. Candidates must use the candidate petition form.
2) The National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia consists of citizens of Western Armenia. All candidates for the National Assembly of Western Armenia must have a valid passport of Western Armenia.
3) Candidate registration starts on October 1, 2013 and closes on October 22, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.
4) Elections will be held online at the webpage of the Central Elections Committee and in writing. Elections start on November 22, 2013 and close on December 1, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.
5) Election results are validated and published by the Central Elections Committee on December 17, 2013.
6) Candidates must collect more than 100 signatures from the citizens of Western Armenia to qualify for elections(once a person).
7) Candidates must submit a biographical sketch and a brief proposal.
8) Candidates must register online at
The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia certify that candidates for the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia who officially abide by the Declaration of the National Council of Western Armenia and the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the founding documents there of may be self-nominated and/or be nominated by a public patriotic organization and union, the National Council of Western Armenia, and the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia.
The core mechanisms for the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia included rafting regulations to set the date of the first session of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia, the number of elected parliament members, and the guidelines for the participation of public and patriotic organizations and unions set by the National Council of Western Armenia.
Appeal to the all Armenian people
to protect andsustainitsindisputableandperpetualrights to realize that one of its most important tasks is being part of the process of forming the NationalAssembly(Parliament) of WesternArmenia totake active participation in elections upon obtaining citizenship of Western Armenia and using the uniqueopportunities the latter offers.
President of the National Council of Western Armenia
Prime Minister of the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia
Chief of the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly
(Parliament) of Western Armenia