Работа по расширению словарного запаса на английском языке
На модерации
С первых шагов работы преподаватель английского языка сталкивается с большим количеством трудностей, и одним из них является ограниченность студентов в использовании прилагательных. Использование прилагательных делает речь студента более образной, понятной и законченной. Достижение этой цели существенно повышает качество речи на английском языке у студентов.
В настоящей статье приводятся некоторые приемы и методы работы преподавателя по совершенствованию использования прилагательных в устной и письменной речи студентов, и по мнению автора могут быть использованы в повседневной практической работе преподавателя по совершенствованию навыков речи и расширению словарного запаса студентов.
На первом этапе работы преподавателя по расширению словарного запаса студента стоит задача по активизации работы с прилагательными, которые при соответствующей работе существенно активизируют языковую активность студента и делают речь более осмысленной и понятной. Первым шагом в этой работе является ознакомление студентов с грамматическими основами образования прилагательных при помощи английских префиксов и суффиксов.
Студенты знакомятся со следующими грамматическими формами образования прилагательных.
1. – ful (для образования прилагательных от существительных) (beauty – beautiful, mercy – merciful)
2. – less (для образования прилагательных от существительных) ( help – helpless, mother – motherless)
3. – ous (для образования прилагательных от существительных) (glory – glorious, nerve – nervous)
4. – y (для образования прилагательных от существительных) wind – windy, smoke – smoky)
5. – ical (для образования прилагательных от существительных) alphabet – alphabetical, history – historical
6. - ive (для образования прилагательных от глаголов) to attract – attractive, to support – supportive
7. – ish ( для образования прилагательных от существительных) – Brit – British, Red – reddish
8. - able (для образования прилагательных от глаголов) to transport – transportable, to apply – applicable
9. – ic ( для образования прилагательных от существительных) poet – poetic
10. – like ( для образования прилагательных от существительных) father – father-like
Подобная практика способствует лучшему восприятию студентами всего многообразия грамматических форм английского языка и значительно расширяет активный словарный запас. Предлагаются тренировочные упражнения типа:
Образуйте прилагательные от следующих слов: courage, pride, sun, mood, art, home, house, human, to help, to comprehend, to apply, to commemorate, an actor, a poet, a husband, a brother, a grandfather, a son, a master, a baron, a count, a lady, a host.
Второй этап работы с прилагательными требует осознания последовательности употребления прилагательных в сочетании с существительным. Студентам предлагается следующая модель:
Adjectives: Word Order / Adjectives After Verbs
Работа с настоящей моделью подразумевает не только запоминание последовательности употребления прилагательных, но и расширения словарного запаса и словообразования при характеристике того или иного существительного. Первоначально студентам предлагается написать по 10 прилагательных каждого вина, например:
How big: huge, enormous, tiny, coin-size, high, tall, wide, large, small, big
Colour: Cambridge blue, snow-white, black and white, pink, reddish, scarlet, purple, rose, fence-like coloured
В целях практического закрепления и совершенствования навыков употребления студентам могут быть предложены следующие упражнения.
Ex. 1. A. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the descriptions given in them.
1. Harry looked nothing like the rest of the family. Uncle Vernon was large and neckless, with an enormous black moustache; Aunt Petunia was horse-faced and bony; Dudley was blond, pink and porky. Harry, on the other hand, was small and skinny, with brilliant green eyes and jet-black hair that was always untidy. He wore round glasses, and on his forehead was a thin scar. 2. Mrs. Reynolds was a tall, striking woman in her late forties, with blond hair and a typical pink English complexion. She had a friendly smile and an assertive yet sympathetic way about her. 3. Tonight Samantha wore well-tailored blue jeans, a white cotton shirt, a black gabardine blazer, and highly polished black Oxfords with white socks. 4.1 shivered. It was a damp November night and quite cold, typical English winter weather. 5. It was a radiant day, the sky was a high blue and clear, and the sun was brilliant. 6. It was a blustery day. There was a high wind that blew the new green leaves off the trees. It was a chilly morning but the sky was a cerulean blue filled with puffy white clouds that raced across the great arc of the sky. (from "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling)
B. Describe:
a) The appearance of any person you like.
b) The weather on the day you are reading this.
Ex. 2. A. Read the following and say how the same qualities in men and women are often described by adjectives, say whose descriptions are generous, and whose are loaded with negative connotations.
He is ambitious; she is pushy.
He is tough-minded; she is ruthless.
He is foresighted; she is calculating.
He is firm; she is stubborn.
He is self-respecting; she is egoistical.
He is persistent; she is nagging.
B. Write a letter of recommendation to your colleague or a friend. Make use of some of the words given below
Efficient, diligent, helpful, creative, open-hearted, well-read, cultured, naive, thoughtful, slow, forgetful, choosy, demanding, bossy, cooperative, nosy, provocative, sophisticated, practical, businesslike, professional, well organized, decisive, flexible, resilient, reliable, broad-minded
Следующим этапом работы студентом является активизация употребления прилагательных с существительными. Например,
Put adjectives into correct order. Model: A large 19- century chestnut Venetian wooden table
Exercise № 3.
Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position
1. An unusual ring (gold, expensive)
2. An old lady (nice, French)
3. Black gloves (leather, Indian)
4. A sunny day (lovely, usual)
5. An American film (old, traditional)
6. A well-backed company (Thai, computer)
7. Large red and white stripes (American, prestigious)
Exercise № 4. Translate the following expressions into English.
А) Старый большой магазин, алый пластиковый цветок, крошечный старый конверт, современный универсальный стадион, молодой американский атлет, красивая семейная пара.
Б) Современный узбекский стиль, казахский шелковый платок, американская сильная армия, венецианские современные истории, трудноразрешимые традиционные русские трудности.
Оформление подлежащего предложения является первостепенным делом в работе как преподавателя так и студента на протяжении первого года обучения. Предварительная грамматическая и фонетическая подготовка сводится к тщательной работе с словообразовательными суффиксами и префиксами, проведение письменных работ по расширению текстов за счет обязательного использования существительных с прилагательными. Например, предлагается готовое простое предложение, которое расширяется за счет использования прилагательных.
Sample: People often prefer buying food in supermarkets rather than at markets.
Revised: Young and matured local people often prefer buying exotic as well as simple food in multifunctional and comfortable supermarkets rather than at ordinary agrarian and cheap markets.
Supermarkets, markets, sales, bargains
The biggest
The smallest
The cheapest
The tallest
The nicest
The oldest
The youngest
The cleanest
More expensive
The most expensive
More beautiful
The most beautiful
More boring
The most boring
More interesting
The most interesting
Students answer the questions honestly about the town they live in. Open up a general discussion about the cheapest places to shop, and where you can get the best deals. If you know your area well you can tell students places to shop cheaply
Shopping and Supermarkets
Match the following words and phrases
1) Expensive a) for short time a thing is cheap
2) Cheap b) everything is cheap for a short time
3) Sale c) money back for bad things
4) A bargain d) if you buy one you take two
5) 10% discount e) little money
6) refund f) lots of money
7) special offer g) a very cheap thing
8) buy one get one free h) £1 is 90p
Put the correct words from above in the sentences.
1. Everything is cheap at the supermarket this week. They are having a ….
2. If you go to the market all the fruit and vegetables are….
3. Abdul is selling his new car for £100. It's a ….
4. I bought a TV last week. It doesn't work. I'm taking it back to the shop to get a ….
5. There's a _____ on chicken at the supermarket. You can get two for £3.
The most fascinating
More delicate
The cleanest
More beautiful
1. What is the most expensive supermarket in your town?
2. What is the cheapest supermarket in your town?
3. What is the cheapest food you can buy?
4. What is the most expensive food you can buy?
5. Where can you find the most bargains in your town?
6. Do you prefer to buy acceptable food or the most expensive one?
Exercise № 4. Complete the following sentences:
1. There is something nice in the way... 2. There is something exciting to (about).,. 3. There was something unusual... 4. This is the most delicious fruit … 5. This was the most the main... 6. This will be the most the children... 7. Delicious or not the dinner... 8. Pleasant or not... 9. She was about to... 10. We are about to...
Exercise № 5. Paraphrase the following sentences using the speech patterns:
1. He has a pleasant way of looking at her. 2. She has a poetical way of speaking. 3. This was the biggest meal David Copperfield had eaten for a week. 4. She had never before said anything so unpleasant to him. 5. No matter how tired she was she was always ready to give a helping hand. 6. We shall buy the piano whether it is expensive or not. 7. She was just leaving the house when the telephone rang. 8. She was on the point of tears when he suddenly appeared in the doorway.
Exercise № 6. Translate the following sentences into English using the speech patterns:
1. Есть что-то странное в том, как она кормит его. 2. Было что-то удивительное в том, как он это сказал. 3. Было что-то привлекательное в том, как ребенок протянул цветы. 4. Она позвонит ему обязательно. Но это самое большее, что она может сделать. 5. Она съела ломтик хлеба и снова уснула. Это было самое большее, что она съела за два дня. 6. Интересные рассказы или нет, их нужно прочитать; 7. Болезненная операция или нет, она обязательна. 8. Она собралась что-то сказать, но затем передумала. 9. Она собралась уже взять отпуск, когда заболел ее отец. 10. Она уже сидела у пианино, чтобы начать играть, когда зазвонил телефон.
1. ... there was something disturbingly resolute and self-important in the way he asked her...
There was something strange in (about) the way he greeted me that morning.
There is something special in the way she dresses on Sundays.
2. He was a stocky man with large dark eyes so intense as to suggest they were about to cross.
I think the speaker is about to conclude his speech. I have a strange feeling that something terrible is about to happen. The satellite launch is about to commence.
3. This was the most she had said in all the months she had lived in the house.
This was the most he had eaten in a long time. This was the most I had heard from my family all year.
While your pupil is recovering he can only read the book. This will be the most you can expect of him.
4. ... tuned or not the Aeolian had never made such sounds.
Clumsy or not she was a good basketball player. Busy or not Mr Jones always finds time for his students.
В результате активизации вышеперечисленных примеров с прилагательными, преподаватель может приступить к следующей ступени активизации ярких и образных прилагательных, которые помогают студентам в создании более специфичной и яркой картины которая им представляется. Например,
Vivid adjectives.
When we use specific nouns, we often need adjectives to create a more specific picture of what we have in mind.
Specific Nouns Noun Phrases with Vivid adjectives
Renault white convertible Renault
Tulip white tenuous tulip
Examples: She has a dog. She has a longhaired dog. She has a longhaired dachshund. She has a longhaired dachshund with a white patch over the left eye.
Exercise № 7. Make up 8 sentences of your own according to the model.
Model: 1. The sky was a Wedgwood blue. 2. The walls were painted an antiseptic white. 3. The Queen Mother was dressed in forget-me-not blue for the opening ceremony.
The Adjective
The Noun-Intensifier
1. white
ash, silver, snow, wax, lemon, magnolia, stone, chalk, powder, paper, china, antiseptic, milky
2. black
raven, storm, jet, soot
3. brown
earth, chocolate, rust, summer
4. green
jade, emerald, bottle, grass, copper, apple, sea, pea, olive, lime
5. grey
silver, iron, smoke, pearl, sea, seal
6. red
gold, flower, blood, brick, rose, beet, coral, wine, turkey, rust
7. blue
forget-me-not, baby, sapphire, Cezanne, pastel, Dresden, Wedgwood, ice, corn, midnight, china, sky, blue, turquoise, navy
8. yellow
daisy, butter, acid, candy, lemon, creme
Substantivized Adjectives
Exercise № 8. Read and translate the sentences Find and comment on the substantivized adjectives
1. Haven is where the police is British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and all is organized by the Swiss. Hell is where the cooks are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police is German and all is organized by the Italians. 2. Mr. Alexander is writing a book on fundamentals of English Grammar. 3. The prospect of a new business deal gave her a high. 4. His illustrated talk presented the highs and lows of his journey. 5. The place was deserted, all the locals had left with the summer residents. 6. The rest had done him good, he knew that. 7. Another thought struck Ursula all of a sudden. 8. Why do you ignore the obvious? 9. The navy was in the thick of the fighting. 10. She always tries to see the best in people. 11. The authorities are very much concerned with the number of the homeless on London streets. 12. He was a German through and through. 13. From the sublime to the ridiculous there is only one step. (Napoleon) 14. He is working like a black. 15. She admired the tints of Renoir's paintings. They were breath-taking: shell-pink and pearl, deep rose and gold, soft pastel blues and greens and the most glorious of yellows. 16. All my life, I've gotten nothing but A's, Even in Latin, which I found to be a difficult subject. 17. We must turn human wrongs into human rights. 18. This figurine is a pretty. I see you are fond of pretties.