Беднейшие города по каждому штату США

На модерации Отложенный

Даже в самых богатых государствах имеются некоторые очень бедные города

Доходы в США далеки от единообразия. Типичная семья в Скарсдейле, щтат Нью-Йорк зарабатывает почти четверть миллиона долларов в год, или более чем в 13 раз больше типичной  семьи в Макон, штат Миссисипи  ,где средний доход составляет  $ 18232.

Доходы также изменяются в пределах каждого  штата. Независимо от того, насколько богат  штат  в среднем, он имеет некоторые очень бедные населенные пункты - города, где доходы значительно ниже, чем доходы не только самых богатых городов  штата, но и    средних  по всему штату  . В каждом штате есть по крайней мере один город со  средним годовым доходом  ниже, чем среднее по штату , 24/7 St.  Уол Стрит  рассмотрел самые бедные города в каждом штате.

В целом, богатые города в   богатых  штатах, как правило, более богаче, а в   штатах, как правило, бедные города ещё беднее. Миссисипи, самое бедный   штат в стране и представлен  самым бедным городом в стране. Доходы в самых бедных городах   Аляски и Гавайских островов, входящих  в пятёрку самых богатых  штатов, лишь немногим меньше, чем в среднем $ 53657 в год.

Некоторые  штаты имеют гораздо больше экономического разнообразия. Многие из самых богатых  штатов также являются  иестом для самых бедных  городов не только в  штате, но и в стране. Средние доходы в Cumberland, Мэриленд и Камден, Нью-Джерси более чем 40 000 $ ниже типичного годового дохода   по всему штату.


Prichard, Alabama

1. Prichard, Alabama
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $42,830
> Town poverty rate: 37.9%
> Town population: 22,475


Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska

2. Ketchikan, Alaska
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $71,583
> Town poverty rate: 15.3%
> Town population: 8,173



Operation Copper Cactus

3. Nogales, Arizona
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $50,068
> Town poverty rate: 35.2%
> Town population: 20,699

Hope, Arkansas

4. Hope, Arkansas
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $41,262
> Town poverty rate: 36.3%
> Town population: 10,033


Clearlake, California

5. Clearlake, California
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $61,933
> Town poverty rate: 34.8%
> Town population: 15,121


Sterling, Colorado

7. Rockville, Connecticut
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $70,048
> Town poverty rate: 21.5%
> Town population: 7,348

Dover, Delaware 2

8. Elsmere, Delaware
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $59,716
> Town poverty rate: 9.4%
> Town population: 6,149

Florida City, Florida

9. Florida City, Florida
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $47,463
> Town poverty rate: 46.2%
> Town population: 11,853


Далее смотрите  по ссылке http://247wallst.com/special-report/2016/05/24/poorest-town-in-every-state/3/

Все пятьдесят  штатов. Самое экзотическое это

<p>Incomes in the United States are far from uniform. A typical household in Scarsdale, New York earns nearly a quarter of a million dollars a year, or more than 13 times the income of a typical household in Macon, Mississippi of $18,232.</p><p>Incomes also vary within each state. No matter how rich a state is on average, it has some very poor towns -- towns where incomes are much lower than incomes of not only the state's richest towns, but also than the median income statewide. In every state, there is at least one town with a median annual household income thousands of dollars lower than the state’s median. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the poorest town in each state.</p><p>In general, towns in wealthier states tend to be wealthier, and towns in poorer states tend to be poorer. Mississippi, the poorest state in the country, is home to the poorest town. Incomes in the poorest towns in Alaska and Hawaii, each among the five wealthiest states, are only slightly less than the national median of $53,657 a year.</p><p>Some states have much more economic diversity. Many of the wealthiest states are also home to the poorest places not just in the state, but also in the country. Median incomes in Cumberland, Maryland and Camden, New Jersey are more than $40,000 lower than the typical household annual income across the state.</p><p>The vast majority of the poorest towns in the country have a disproportionately high share of eligible workers who are jobless. In 40 states, the unemployment rate in the poorest town is greater than statewide jobless rate. A high share of households that are not currently earning a salary likely drives down the median income for an area. A weaker economy in general, where more people are unemployed, can also drive down salaries in a number of ways -- even for those residents with jobs.</p><p>Socioeconomic indicators such as low educational attainment rates can also help explain the low incomes in many of these towns. One important measure is the college attainment rate. A more educated population is more likely to be employed and to have access to higher-paid jobs. The poorest towns in only three states have a college attainment rate that exceeds the national rate of 30.1%.</p><p>To identify the poorest town in each state, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed median household incomes in every town with a population of 25,000 or less in each state from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS). Due to relatively small sample sizes for town-level data, all social and economic figures are based on five-year estimates for the period of 2010-2014. Still, data can be subject to sampling issues. We did not consider towns where the margin of error at 90% confidence is greater than 10% of the point estimate of both median household income and population. Towns were compared to both the state and national figures. We considered the percentage of residents who have at least a bachelor’s degree, the towns' poverty rates, and the workforce composition -- all from the ACS. The percentage of housing units that owned by their occupants -- referred to as the homeownership rate -- also comes from the ACS. Because poverty rates can be skewed in areas with high shares of college students who frequently have very low incomes, college towns were also excluded.</p><p>These are the poorest towns in each state.</p>



Schofield Barracks, Hawaii


Schofield Barracks, Hawaii
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $69,592
> Town poverty rate: 11.1%
> Town population:19,525


Homedale, Idaho

12. Homedale, Idaho
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $47,861
> Town poverty rate: 40.1%
> Town population: 2,595


 А вот ещё с русской церковью, городок почему-то Берлином называют

Berlin, New Hampshire

29. Berlin, New Hampshire
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $66,532
> Town poverty rate: 17.4%
> Town population: 9,710



Chewelah, Washington


47. Chewelah, Washington
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $61,366
> Town poverty rate: 17.7%
> Town population: 2,608